the lineup for the lollapalooza has been announced. a bazillion bands are playing, including:
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Kanye West
Death Cab For Cutie
The Flaming Lips
Queens of the Stone Age
The Shins
Ryan Adams
Sonic Youth
Thievery Corporation
Broken Social Scene
The New Pornographers
Iron & Wine
Panic! At the Disco
Nada Surf
The Frames
The Go! Team
Mute Math
The Subways
Of Montreal
Blue October
it's my life goal to attend at least one Lollapalooza festival in my life time. that and Glastonbury and Coachella.
anyway. last nite i kind of lost my mind and threw a friggin tantrum because of something mighty trivial and stupid, i can't even remember what it was about anymore. i cried and laughed hysterically and my mom said that i was going senile. i agreed. i used up half a box of kleenex and laughed whenever my sister did something completely normal, like clean her glasses.
i watched Girl with a Pearl Earring. i liked it a lot. then i watched some trash tv (ie muchmusic) until 3am. hey did you know Pilate has a new single? yeah me neither, until last nite. also i realized that mary j blige annoys me a lot.
i have more things to say but don't know how to say them. in short, people come to jenny for advice and she gives pseudo-wise counsel in which she has zero experience in. always. it doesn't frigging make sense why they all come to me (again and again) for deep insight when they all know i am a frigging sixteen year old who has no Life Knowledge.
ok bye.
it's because you'll listen.
Well, I feel like that last part was kind of directed at me. I can just keep things to myself in the future if you'd prefer.
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