im just about ready to pull out all my hair while dragging this stupid chemistry lab. i've only worked on it for the last 3 hours. wheee procrastination.
so much homework for the end of this week. eww. plus keep the beat is getting on my nerves VERY VERY MUCH d asnglskdj;fksjadlgkjsldf.sdag.sdgsg.
also, if you have any mercy and heart, please go to this muchmusic link and vote for TIM (the guy 4th from the left). please, give him another chance in becoming the muchmusic vj.
if you watch the show, you should have already voted for him.
anyway. i digress. i need to go back to chem lab and make up some more bullshit on Sources of Error.
Sources of Error... i remember doing that shit. fuck it! haha
iv been procrastination like mad!
Tim? pshaw. bring back Frank. :P
oh oh oh, and WHY the HELL is eric still on the air?!
me = dork
haha i like how we voted on each and every computer in the lab. lol go us, were too cool.
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