yesternight i watched 4 movies back-to-back. FOUR!!!! i dont watch the tv during the week at all, so i can kind of redeem myself, but still it's insane. i watched the reeeeally old (and REALLY long) barbara streisand musical, Funny Girl, and half of A Beautiful Mind, on tv. they were really good movies. barbara streisand was fantastic in her singing. and russell crowe was amazing in playing john nash. i need to see the first half of the movie still.
plus i had this sudden urge to watch the prince of egypt. i used to be in love with that movie. it's a good animated film. watching it almost makes me want to believe in god. do you know what i mean? it's uplifting/inspiring/bigger-than-life.
also i watched the 2006 Brit Awards, which was interesting. there were some really good performances by kayne west and kt turnstall. plus, DEBBIE HARRY WAS THERE. and in general, the Brit Awards > MTV music awards.
this week is going to be nice and pointless, with more or less zero homework. suhweeeeeeeet.
Prince of Egypt is GREAT, saw that one in theaters with my family, how lame is that. But I loved how God was all calm and then he got angry and then calm again.
I WANTED TO WATCH BRIT AWARDS, but i wasnt home. the previews looked soooo goodd. performers and all.
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