Monday, March 27, 2006

i think my computer is controlling me.

Some people have been blowing me off lately, why? I don't know... Most likely because bla bla bla... Jake put it like this: "Nate, if a person likes you then they find time to be with you." he makes a good point. But whatever...

HAHAHA. i know precisely how this is.

btw, people should listen to "dream brother" by jeff buckley if they haven't already. it's too amazing.

anyway. we had lovely weather today. and i was somewhat CHEERFUL like i said i would be, in my last blog post. [i just wrote a bunch of shit here but i deleted it because it was just boring and confusing.]

it's nearly april. i wish it were summer soon... I CANT WAIT TO GO TO BEACHES DAILY AND SHOP ENDLESSLY. i havent tried it yet. i should accomplish something really big this summer.

i'm jealous of the weirdest people.