Wednesday, March 08, 2006

yesterday nite, i folded about 700 loads of laundry, read for 3 hours, sulked, stared at the computer, ate slices of cheese, and went crazy over the OLP tickets until 1am. then i had a tiny fever and had some cold medicine.

i found a lost credit card on the asphalt street yesterday after school. i took it in for safety, but i dont know how to return such a thing to the rightful owner, so i guess i'll just throw it out safely, so the owner can freeze her account and get a new one. i didn't want some evil strange person to buy shit with the credit card. it the belonged to a Monica.

all morning today i spammed olp forums and checked ticketmaster a bajillion times. i hope there are good seats left on ticketmaster for tomorrow's presale, i am getting the $50 seats.

ENOUGH OLP CONCERT TALK! i might shoot myself from this online insanity.


today when i got out of bed, my alarm was ringing: in other words, i ACTUALLY WOKE UP TO MY ALARM!!!! it was surreal. i walked out my door half-asleep and probably looked like a banshee with unkempt hair. i forgot to take my watch and my cellphone to school. today was bizarre and odd because it was same-y grey and pouring all day, and it seemed like time didn't pass at all. i seem to be stuck in this ugly, cold blahness. the day hasnt made any sort of progress whatsoever. my ankles are freezing cold.

there are some grade 8 boys in this school computer lab, and they couldn't be any more retarded.

i'm STUCK.

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