Wednesday, January 31, 2007
i spent the entire day doing pointless stuff with lots of waiting in between... i had to go to the italian consulate for an italian visa. uggh so much waiting. anyway i'm supposed to be getting it in 24 hours, thank god i dont have to wait weeks.
my trip to europe is real soon. gulp.
i don't know any italian.
i went to the doctor and told him about my back problems, and he made me do a bunch of touch-your-toes and lean-to-your-right stretches. he made me go take x-rays. ha
i still have not developed my blackcomb pictures. i will, though. soon. >_>
i had this sudden realization that sometimes i think of myself as a totally amazing individual, while other times i think i'm the most plain, most ordinary boring uncultured person ever.
dara is a sleetard
i invented a word just now and it is called SLEETARD.
Tannur. says:
quoi? sleetard?
- Jen - Fenny : DARA IS A SLEETARD. says:
but of course.
i think thats the highlight of my day. eww.
procrastination will be the death of me.
fuck indie kids. ugh.
ps. SOMEBODY COME TO THE FINAL FANTASY CONCERT WITH ME PLEASE. $35 March 12, at the Orpheum. Headlining is Bloc Party! look at these picture of Owen Pallett. isnt he beeeaaaaaautiful? he makes me want to be a gay man. i need to see him in concert or i'll die. kthxbi.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

i saw Children Of Men... it had some of the most beautiful scenes i've seen, ever. im still confused about some parts of the film, so i need to watch it again when it comes out on dvd, with closed captions. the movie made me love clive owen a billion times more because his acting was fantastic.
i feel like i should read the book.
i feel like im living inside a bubble these days... i guess it's the january blues?
can you imagine what it would be like to know that humankind were going to end in 80, 100 years? gosh what a depressing thot.
Monday, January 29, 2007

i just wrote my english crossgrade... i had to write an essay on the topic: "THESE ARE THE TIMES TO TRY ONE'S SOUL."
i am still sick as hell. my nose is overflowing with mucus (mmm, how pleasant). and my throat hurts. i am going to take a nap and be well-rested because i'm going to see Children of Men tonite with lara
here are somemore pictures. buzznet is fucked up but you can check my flickr.

Sunday, January 28, 2007
i took a bunch of completely meaningless/generic pictures on my canon rebel xti. this is the first batch of pictures ever that i've taken with this slr camera. yay? im about HALFWAY to finishing reading the centimetre-thick manual.
i am uploading the pictures as i speak- er, write, but they are taking a while on buzznet/flickr. visit those pages later if you want to see 'em.
in the meanwhile...

oh yeah did you see today's Globe and Mail's arts review section front page? it's on that German dude Fred Herzog, who just put out his photographs of 1950s Vancouver... they are hung in the gallery at the VAG right now. i should see that sometime soon cuz they look pretty amazing. his photos are all technicolour creepy. loves it.
i have a 5-day weekend and i have already wasted a full day of it today. i didnt even touch the internet all day. stupid flu. i should at least get some work done if im gonna eat tylenol gel capsules and blow my nose all day at home. ugh.

i am a little sick. i was in bed for hours today just cuz as soon as i sat up i felt like throwing up. ew. anyway i watched about 4.2013 movies today. the first one is a korean movie but i dont know the equivalent english title, so i can't find the imdb page.
at 12am SCARFACE was on showcase channelm so i watched that bloody, bloody movie until a bazillion o clock, i dunno. what time is it right now? anyway. scarface is fucking awesome i love the gruesomeness and the blood and guns. and by "love" i mean detest. it's like watching a car crash because YOU CANT TAKE YOUR EYES OFF IT! i wonder how many times al pacino says "fuck" in that movie.
another movie i semi-watched was FLY AWAY HOME. you know, that staple children's movie about the girl who hatches geese eggs, raises the canadian geese and flies with them on her aero glider and shit? mmm yes that movie.
ps. people are angry at me right now and im too sick/tired to care.
Saturday, January 27, 2007

when i was five, my sister nearly two.
i had a uber sucky day, wooo family fights and cryfests. lovely. im fucking exhausted. theres not enough fluid left in my body to produce one more goddamn tear. i have to squint to see cuz my entire face is swollen, im sure.
i could rant, in detail, of all the things wrong with me for about twenty gazillion pages, but i won't because who reads this shit anyway? not me.
michelle may be the most annoying and inconsiderate idiot on the entire face of the planet. can you BELIEVE she used to be a cute, darling little sister?!@?!??@?DSFDSGSDGJ:SDFJSDLF
i need to ... dig myself a grave and go hide in it. or create a time machine and put life on pause for a week so i can get a decent week's worth of sleep. i cant deal with the world. hahahahaha i am such a stubborn weirdo loser phreak lazyass lunatic.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007

HAHAHHAHAHA OH MY DEAR GOD. the ultimate magick of the internet.
it's jasmine's (you know, the tiny jasmine, in grade ten? the one who's in love with stephen harper?) little novella. her novella is about an emo/rebel teen girl/ foster child named Ebony.
and it. is. hilarious.
scroll down to her very first post on the xanga, to CHAPTER ONE.
she shows her usual sympathy for the conservatives, mentions stephen harper and left-wing jack layton:
The city of Vancouver had established a drug program in vain, worrying that the increasing number of drug addicts would tarnish its reputation. Vancouver had held the Olympics in 2010, that year breaking the city's record for having the most deaths caused by foul play. Instead of working, the drug program had backfired. Young people got hooked on drugs more so than ever. The disgraced mayor had tearfully resigned, declaring the city in a state of emergency.
The drug program was a mess and Vancouver was nicknamed 'Drug City' or 'Opium Land'. Prime minister Jack Layton had assured the citizens that everything was fine, only to be found trying to push a law legalizing various types of illegal drugs. Right-wing politicians lived in fear, the former prime minister Stephen Harper had been assassinated for his outcry against drug use. That was many years ago.
so much dramarama. "the disgraced mayor had tearfully resigned"?!?!?!?! this is like perezhilton of politics.
In CHAPTER THREE, Ebony and her friend, Vanessa, go shopping for swimwear:
"All summer swimwear fifty percent off", smiled the blonde salesperson, showing unruly yellow teeth."Oh hey, you two. I never thought I'd be seeing you guys in here!", teased a high pitched voice.