i have 3 dvds at my house right now. memento, to kill a mockingbird, and c.r.a.z.y. which should i watch first? they all look pretty good.
i have school in 36 hours. ugh. not cool.
oh yea. i had a semi-giant argument with malcolm and he got very huffy and we got angry at each other. i forget why though. remind me to NEVER take things as seriously as he does.
actually, i guess i was being a brat. i assume that people will fall into my trap when i talk. wtf am i talking about??
last time, malcolm and i argued for about seven hours after he claimed that photography is not art. i think my brain exploded that day. i forget what i said though. is photography art or not? i dont know what to think anymore.
my sister is watching Maid in Manhattan, starring jennifer lopez, on tv. why is everything so craptacular!!?!?!
i vote for memento. also i just watched a scanner darkly and I recomend if you're into drug movies or just good movies?
yes photography is an art. sheesh.
awww, I wanna see memento and c.r.a.z.y. and a scanner darkly come to think of it. I <3 Mary Badham!
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