today after school, rox lara and i went to fifth avenue cinemas for Volver... but ended up seeing Notes on a Scandal (Cate Blanchett, Judi Dench). it's about an art teacher (cate blanchett) having an affair with one of her students.
it was a freaky movie but definitely worth seeing. judi dench is a fucking psychopath/creepy old lesbian woman in this movie. i'll never be able to think of her as just a "really good british actress" ever again. she's completely believable in every movement she makes, every word she speaks.
after the movie, lara joked that perhaps ian would have an affair with our english teacher, who is about 4 decades older than him (HOLY MOTHERFUCKING CREEPY.) i am scarred for life.
lara and i went to chapters bookstore afterwards. we looked at these $4 poetry collections... mmmmm yesssssssssssssirrr. righto. we saw the postsecret book. we looked over a bunch of classics (including more dickens, ahahah).
i bought a cd there. sufjan stevens' Seven Swans:
they had practically every sufjan record ever made. including the super rare ones that no one knows of.
i saw the coolest poster on my way home. i forget what it said, but it was a white sheet of paper with some smart-alecky, witty blurb on it. i wanted to take a picture, but my digital camera is still busted. fuck.
i love the EUPHORIA that comes with PURCHASING/SPENDING. except i'll never be rich enough to spend shit frequently.
1 comment:
:O which chapters? and while on the subject of chapters...where is the chapters on burrard? the map shows burrard and dunsmir, but i can never find it
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