Sunday, January 07, 2007

for the widows in paradise, for the fatherless in ypsilanti

my drawing from a year ago.

what a fantastically beeeaaauuutiful day. it's pretty baby shiny sunshine outside, although the occasional cloud creates shade once in a while. i feel like running outside and singing along to all you need is love. the sunshine seems to be mocking me.

sometimes i think of semi-random ideas that just pop into my head, casually. they aren't outrageous, but they are pretty spontaneous. i don't follow through most of them, although the ideas remain in my head. do i take action or do i not? i dont know if i am chickenshit, or if i just dont have enough motivation to do it. everything is meh.

i am still in my mini harry potter infatuation phase. i read book six all of last nite and finished the rest this morning. i got six hours of sleep. woo. i am awaiting the seventh book with all the patience i can muster. AHHHHHH.

1 comment:

carrie said...

sa-weet drawring!!

contemplation vs. action has always been troublesome for me.