This is a painting my mom bought about five years ago. it cost a small fortune. i dont really like the painting, but my mom is in love with it, so i try to see what's so appealing about it. i guess the whole Venice thing is romantic. sort of.
i hope one day it becomes an antique painting that will go on auction for a million dollars. i can just see it now, my mom or my sister or me going into "THE ANTIQUE ROADSHOW" and having my vintage item analyzed by super pro experts. i plan to sell the painting then so we can be millionaires. my mom wouldn't have objections if it really was worth a million.
i sometimes watch "the antique roadshow" on tv with my family and am absolutely fascinated by hearing old grannies talk about their item bought at a grubby garage sale in 1969 now being worth thousands of dollars. i especially like watching that part near the end of each analysis when the granny gasps softly, saying "my, my", when the curator gives the granny an approximate sum the antique would fetch in an auction.
i daydream too much.
its 1am.
all my family members ("all" being two people) are awake. none of us are sleepy and my mom is singing bohemian rhapsody while my sister is laughing like a hyena. hmm. i must have missed something.
i didnt watch a movie but i read harry potter book six for about an hour. ive practically forgotten everything in the book. my sister is disappointed that i've lost my genius for remembering completely useless shit about hp.
this is nice:

1 comment:
I like Antiques Roadshow too.
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