im in dire need of new friends.
i am lame and wont shell out $75+ for a fake id to go to the regina spektor concert
o well
today when we were getting frappucinos from starbucks i witnessed something amazing. chelsy and athena (the dumbest bimbosluts you will find at my school) bought two coffees and sat in the outdoor tables.
they each took out their cigarette cartons and lighters and cellphones out of their purses and started smoking away. i was mesmerized by chelsy's hands as she lit the cig and put it to her mouth etc. i think i am seriously psycho in the head.
it was weird because moon and olson (the home ec teachers) were also at starbucks and saw the whole shebang but i guess chels and athena dont really give a shit.
when i worked at cafe crepe my coworkers told me to smoke and i was all umm okaaaaaay
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