Monday, February 12, 2007

it's a little bit funny, this feeling inside

i got kicks out of the weirdest things when i was fifteen... like stealing this no parking sign and sticking it in the school field.


i have daily aches and pains all over so i'm thinking maybe i should take up swimming again or something. im so inactive it's not even funnie.

i think i'm addicted to making mix cds. i think i should do a massive project that creates and sends a mix cd for everybody who wants one. i would do a huge launch on my blog...

"huge" being not big at all.


Prom is taking over the grade twelves' lives. already there are detailed talks of who-sits-where-with-whom's and who-is-asking-whom's and who-is-wearing-what's.

it is annoying me a little since i have not given thought to any of those three.
if i had my way, i would find a nice swishy green dress. green and gold!

ok bye

the school looked so much more cheerful two years ago.

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