(taken with a shitty disposable, then scanned. wheeee)

i took about 8 other pictures that look same-y. so i just scanned one.
i love the scenery. LOVE.

bill and kim, my rockclimbing instructors.
they were the best i've ever had at strathcona.

taken from the top!
look at the lil row of yellow helmets eh?

before the superduperdramaramatic school dance.
left to right: may, denise, esther, aylz, lara, me.

class photo of the GRADE 12 MINIS that turned out really shitty.
oh well. too bad.
(i'm between ian and rachel, at the right side of the photo.)
note: sooz asked me what a MINI school was...
it's a smaller 150-student school (30 students per grade that you
are more-or-less stuck with for your entire high school experience)
within in a normal 1200-student high school.
it's an enrichment program for nerdy/ambitious kids
who accelerate in academics so they can go out and
go on super cool trips like this one during the schoolyear.
the trips are supposed to BUILD CHARACTER,
teach leadership, etc.
i could go on forever about the Mini but there will be
time for that later. maybe.

a bunch of us girls had this cabin room on our very first strathcona
trip in grade 8. now it's our last year and we returned to the same room
to take a nostalgic goodbye picture.
top: esther
middle row, left to right: emily, me, dara, lara, aylz, rachel
front two: denise, roxy
(taken with a shitty disposable, then scanned. wheeee)

i took about 8 other pictures that look same-y. so i just scanned one.
i love the scenery. LOVE.

bill and kim, my rockclimbing instructors.
they were the best i've ever had at strathcona.

taken from the top!
look at the lil row of yellow helmets eh?

before the superduperdramaramatic school dance.
left to right: may, denise, esther, aylz, lara, me.

class photo of the GRADE 12 MINIS that turned out really shitty.
oh well. too bad.
(i'm between ian and rachel, at the right side of the photo.)
note: sooz asked me what a MINI school was...
it's a smaller 150-student school (30 students per grade that you
are more-or-less stuck with for your entire high school experience)
within in a normal 1200-student high school.
it's an enrichment program for nerdy/ambitious kids
who accelerate in academics so they can go out and
go on super cool trips like this one during the schoolyear.
the trips are supposed to BUILD CHARACTER,
teach leadership, etc.
i could go on forever about the Mini but there will be
time for that later. maybe.

a bunch of us girls had this cabin room on our very first strathcona
trip in grade 8. now it's our last year and we returned to the same room
to take a nostalgic goodbye picture.
top: esther
middle row, left to right: emily, me, dara, lara, aylz, rachel
front two: denise, roxy
p/s. the above photos are uploaded on my FLICKR account, not my buzznet. (i have no idea why i have two photo accounts... whatever.)
Your hair's got so long. It looks good.
PS thanks for explaining the mini thing.
rock climbing is so scary, i could neeeever do it!! but i wish i could.
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