Monday, September 11, 2006

i'm done packing half-assedly. oh well. i crammed all my shit in my bags and plan to strategically pack once i get there, the nite before. WHEEEE ROCKCLIMBING!

there are about a total of 4 people who read this blog nowadays... seriously.

MY DEAREST FOUR READERS! i'm off and away on yet another trip, this time an annual school one. bye bye and see you on Friday when i come back from my (very last) strathcona trip.

expect stories of possible catfights, bitchfights (which are worse than catfights :O ) and delicious class gossip whence i get back. HAHAHAHA.

i really shouldn't be laughing. i am supposed to be feeling sad right now... LE SIGH, THIS IS OUR LAST STRATH TRIP EVER, DOODS. it's probably what i'll miss the most when i'm finished with high school and all.


Nate James said...

have a great time jenny!

Susie said...

have fun!

MB said...

haveeeee funnnnnnnnnn!:)

Krista said...

yay i'm one of those 4th readers, but really it's more than that. mine's at like 1 per day, YES.

have a good trip again, trip lady. :P