my History 12 class is AWESOME. i had it for the first time today and i think it will be my favourite course of the year. the first thing the teacher did after doing the attendance was give the class a test, though. that kind of scared everybody. revision: it only scared us minischool nerds. ha
anyway, my Writing class is pretty cool also and mr taylor seems like a nice dude. i'm only paranoid about sharing stuff i write with people but i'll worry about that laterrrrr.
i have quite a bit of homework to do already, which is ewwww. im so goddamn busy this weekend and on top of that i have to pack for next week.
I had a great History teacher too, not so great Writing class though so I guess I am happy when other people have a decent writing teacher.
I miss high-school it was so easy.
history (and english literature) were my two favourite classes of ALL TIME. enjoy. :D
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