Tuesday, January 09, 2007

i like kawaii shit. but only if it's not TOO creepy.

i am such a bad vancouverite to make fun of skiing. ahahaa. or AM I?

its supposed to snow tomorrow! i am crossing my fingers for a snow day. can you say... desperate?

or maybe a wind day. today's winds were fucking crazy. near gale/tornado, i'd say! our last block today (math) was held in a portable and the wind drummed away loudly against the metal portable walls. at this rate, trees will be uprooted from the ground!!!!!!!

i want blackouts so that there will be no school tomorrow.

why am i so GOOD at procrastinating?

rebecca wants to dye her hair black. she's asian, and currently has black hair. where is the logic? maybe she's a closet emo? (gasp.)

ok thats enough life-changing questions for today.


Anonymous said...

i missed work cause of the stupid wind!

murray said...

I don't know what a closet emo is. Why would someone with black hair dye her hair black? That would be like me dying my hair stupid. (Because it's already stupid..)

carrie said...


carrie said...

actually, i have red hair and sometimes i dye it red. so i guess that makes about as much sense.