when i was five, my sister nearly two.
i had a uber sucky day, wooo family fights and cryfests. lovely. im fucking exhausted. theres not enough fluid left in my body to produce one more goddamn tear. i have to squint to see cuz my entire face is swollen, im sure.
i could rant, in detail, of all the things wrong with me for about twenty gazillion pages, but i won't because who reads this shit anyway? not me.
michelle may be the most annoying and inconsiderate idiot on the entire face of the planet. can you BELIEVE she used to be a cute, darling little sister?!@?!??@?DSFDSGSDGJ:SDFJSDLF
i need to ... dig myself a grave and go hide in it. or create a time machine and put life on pause for a week so i can get a decent week's worth of sleep. i cant deal with the world. hahahahaha i am such a stubborn weirdo loser phreak lazyass lunatic.
don't sweat the family shit all families fight anyway adorable picture!
awwwwww I WANT that green thing ur wearing ahahaa i bet it has some awesome disney picture on it or smth ahahaha
so cute you two
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