hahaha, do a google search for "i bought an iphone" and marvel at the results that come up. the phone was freaking released YESTERDAY. everyone has the same complaint about AT&T (that it takes forever to activate the cellphone).
Saturday, June 30, 2007

went shopping with dara and malcolm. i think we pissed him off/ hurt his feelings. i am soooo subtle. hopefully he will forget. anyway we went to lara's for dinner, and malc dug into the great depths of lara's three fridges for ingredients for some great gourmet meal. righto. we ate spaghetti with meatballs then fish with pureed sweet potato. we drank tea. then more people showed up and we listened to all sorts of shit on the ipod speaker before i got too feverish/antisocial. i went up to lara's room and snuggled in blankies.
rachel and i were making in-the-closet jokes in front of malc and i totally forgot that maybe it's not the most appropriate thing in the world. o well
dare and lara made cinnamon buns, but i didn't eat. malc and i youtubed random music videos and i argued and asked rude questions and he did his whole cp shit, reading up on radiohead and the connection between "pyramid song" and some jazz sample? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (oh man, i'm bringing lara's hmmm's back).
matt and dave showed up and i RAN like i would from a flesh-eating virus (basically what dave is). he drove me home and the whole time i was antsy.
aidan and ben and eric were there, super antisocial and awkward group who probably didn't even say goodbye. i was all "hey aidan i havent seen you all nite" and then realized that i was actually making deliberate conversation with aidan. what.the.fuck.
anyway i'm home now and i should go to bed. i'm sick. i dont want to go to ester's super sugary birthday party tomorrow, nor the after-party that will involve some crazy shit. poor lara. everyone takes advantage of her parentless house. i would not want geordy and his crew to be ANYWHERE near my house.
Friday, June 29, 2007
one last thing before i go do laundry: i saw this book at hagar books today and totally was fascinated by it. i want to buy it but it would cost $60-70, probably. it's a book of photographs taken in north korea. the pictures are so spectacular, and how often do you see actual pictures of north korea? i hardly saw any while i was living in south korea.
my dad visited north korea when he traveled there from china. duuuude i want to go. i am completely serious.

my dad visited north korea when he traveled there from china. duuuude i want to go. i am completely serious.

GAH im about to go crazy right now. i want to cry and laugh and barf and sleep and dance and throw myself out the window, all at once. this 15-minute ultradepression will go away as soon as i eat, hopefully. i haven't had a meal for 13 hours. i've been hungry since i went to bed last nite. yikes.
what the fuck am i doing here?
i want to watch paris je t'aime.

observation of the day: watching poured milk whirl in your tea is waaaaay trippy. the red tea and white opaque makes marble for five seconds and it looks so awesome. i want to film a teacup with milk being poured and stick the footage in a totally awesome movie i will one day direct.
i have no idea where that came from.
what the fuck am i doing here?
i want to watch paris je t'aime.

observation of the day: watching poured milk whirl in your tea is waaaaay trippy. the red tea and white opaque makes marble for five seconds and it looks so awesome. i want to film a teacup with milk being poured and stick the footage in a totally awesome movie i will one day direct.
i have no idea where that came from.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
warning: giant post. read it though, because i cant see myself blogging often for the next little while.
hooooooooooooooly shit i am DONE with exams. there goes my highschool experience. picked up report cards after history exam. got the fuck out of there. the empty halls are too depressing, i cant stick around for too long.
went to lara's for a bit. we chilled for a while and went through lara's "highschool memory box", which was hilarious. remember when rachel and vince TOTALLY had a thing? ya, exactly. i died laughing about ten times. lara read out loud letters from us. i was so dorky in grade ten. well i guess i am dorky now. haha too bad. shit i miss stupid immature times. dara wants to go back to the times of mr. breslaur and mr. morton. i do too, sort of. frikken grade eight. one day we need to, as a group, go thru my shoeboxes full of photos and diary entries. it is such a golden experience. the boxes are probably my most valuable possessions (debatable, but still up there).
went to have "high tea" with rachel and lara. holy shit. can you imagine me, cynical jenny, going to HIGH TEA? yes, high tea, as in drinking-tea-from-obscure-parts-of-asia -from-ostentatious-teacups- while-raising-your-pinky. and eating scones with devonshire cream. what the fuck is devonshire cream? it looks something like this (images from flickr):

anyway. it was like tripping into an alternate universe... or like playing mommy and daddy. like um sure i belong there, drinking darjeeling tea among teens in fred segal clothing and 50something women. it was so fantastic. i need to do it again so i can marvel at the craziness of it all. it was like when i went to that ridiculous concert with malcolm: it was so ridiculous, it was surreal that i was there at all.
after paying $5 for a pot of tea (oh god) we went to look at shoes, then books, then baby clothes @ gap kids. don't ask. went to the library, where rach got out a chick-lit book titled "bad boy". ahaha. cant WAIT to hear what that's all about.
i came home at six and now im dizzy from hunger/exhaustive studying yesterday. i need to do laundry and dishes and make dinner for myself (barf) and then maybe i'll snuggle with a blanket and watch a dvd ALL BY MYSELF. im actually excited. not the making dinner part tho, it is depressing to eat by myself.
schools officially over and there's a bazillion parties going down tonite apparently? at geordies, annas, some track party. lara's tomorow (i think) and ester's on saturday. gahhhh. i need to find a birthday gift for es.
word. that is my update on my life. im kind of bummed that high school is over, actually... i'll miss talking to these people sober. frick i am an idiot.
hooooooooooooooly shit i am DONE with exams. there goes my highschool experience. picked up report cards after history exam. got the fuck out of there. the empty halls are too depressing, i cant stick around for too long.
went to lara's for a bit. we chilled for a while and went through lara's "highschool memory box", which was hilarious. remember when rachel and vince TOTALLY had a thing? ya, exactly. i died laughing about ten times. lara read out loud letters from us. i was so dorky in grade ten. well i guess i am dorky now. haha too bad. shit i miss stupid immature times. dara wants to go back to the times of mr. breslaur and mr. morton. i do too, sort of. frikken grade eight. one day we need to, as a group, go thru my shoeboxes full of photos and diary entries. it is such a golden experience. the boxes are probably my most valuable possessions (debatable, but still up there).
went to have "high tea" with rachel and lara. holy shit. can you imagine me, cynical jenny, going to HIGH TEA? yes, high tea, as in drinking-tea-from-obscure-parts-of-asia -from-ostentatious-teacups- while-raising-your-pinky. and eating scones with devonshire cream. what the fuck is devonshire cream? it looks something like this (images from flickr):

anyway. it was like tripping into an alternate universe... or like playing mommy and daddy. like um sure i belong there, drinking darjeeling tea among teens in fred segal clothing and 50something women. it was so fantastic. i need to do it again so i can marvel at the craziness of it all. it was like when i went to that ridiculous concert with malcolm: it was so ridiculous, it was surreal that i was there at all.
after paying $5 for a pot of tea (oh god) we went to look at shoes, then books, then baby clothes @ gap kids. don't ask. went to the library, where rach got out a chick-lit book titled "bad boy". ahaha. cant WAIT to hear what that's all about.
i came home at six and now im dizzy from hunger/exhaustive studying yesterday. i need to do laundry and dishes and make dinner for myself (barf) and then maybe i'll snuggle with a blanket and watch a dvd ALL BY MYSELF. im actually excited. not the making dinner part tho, it is depressing to eat by myself.
schools officially over and there's a bazillion parties going down tonite apparently? at geordies, annas, some track party. lara's tomorow (i think) and ester's on saturday. gahhhh. i need to find a birthday gift for es.
word. that is my update on my life. im kind of bummed that high school is over, actually... i'll miss talking to these people sober. frick i am an idiot.
culinary deelights,
stuff we do
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
we are the pipettes!
i swear this blog is like my own little procrastination ground. perhaps if i deleted it, i would STOP procrastinating?!?!
time for sleep. i'll think about this exam tomorrow, er, in about 8 hours
frikken exams.
i should make a countdown
time for sleep. i'll think about this exam tomorrow, er, in about 8 hours
frikken exams.
i should make a countdown
Monday, June 25, 2007
it's my life; don't you forget
i'm marking a practice chem provincial. i'm on #17 and i've already gotten 4 wrong. can't go on. i hate making mistakes.
you might find this hilarious. barack obama (yes, the US president candidate) has myspace/facebook/youtube. youtube, a litttle weird; facebook, understandable, but MYSPACE! jesus christ. what is the world coming to? politicians communicate to the mass public through a shallow one-glance profile now. what. the. frick.
it hurts to see you dance so well

you'll have to excuse my shitty posts. i am being consumed with procrastination sakdlfj;gjsljfljeia390r
when this is all done, LETS HAVE A WII PARTY AT DENISE'S.
upcoming things:
- chem provincial
- french provincial
- history provincial
- report cards
- ester's bday
- goodbye denise
- freaking canada day
- pay uni tuition. ha ha ha ha ha ha.
you'll have to excuse my shitty posts. i am being consumed with procrastination sakdlfj;gjsljfljeia390r
when this is all done, LETS HAVE A WII PARTY AT DENISE'S.
upcoming things:
- chem provincial
- french provincial
- history provincial
- report cards
- ester's bday
- goodbye denise
- freaking canada day
- pay uni tuition. ha ha ha ha ha ha.
do you realize that by the time harry potter #7 is released, HALF OF OUR SUMMER WILL BE GONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
harry potter,
Sunday, June 24, 2007
perfect day
i'm listening to lou reed.
i should blog about friday but i'll wait until i have pictures to go with the post. my wireless internet is being finicky, so until my laptop is co-operative, the post will have to wait...
i'm pretty screwed for upcoming exams. i studied chemistry today and this looks terrible and bleak. oh well, we all know i suck at it.
i should start the history soon though. it looks as if i will have to cram badly later.
what's up with all these thunderstorms eh? sunny one minute then pouring the next. i want to go outside and stand in the freezing rain. i haven't left home all today except to work. ugh!
had to stay at my mom's meeting yesterday because i didn't want to bus home from burnaby. sigh. i was bored and attempted to read (one of my FOUR) history texts. thank god korean school is over, but i'm kind of sad i won't see those people again.
my mom has made a flickr account. aha.
i am a bully sometimes.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007

hahahahah shiz. check this site out: (totse.com)
In 2005 I paid a visit to the Wal-Mart down the road. I knew I was going to steal something from the second I walked in the door, but I didn't think I'd be leaving with a new ps2 game, three CDs and a DVD.
I got the idea for this heist when I walked through the outdoor gardening center, if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm referring to those big fenced off areas with the trees and stuff. I had to scope out the inner door to make sure there were no anti theft scanners, I already knew there was one on the door into the gardening center.
I went to the electronics department and picked up my spoils then walked to the gardening section. I sat the stuff down next to the bars in the back of the area then walked back into the store. I then walked around back where my bike was, got on, rode by the bars, reached in, got my stuff and peddled my ass off.
I have not returned to that Wal-Mart since then, the out-door cameras definitely saw me, but it was worth it.
Thursday, June 21, 2007

went to a korean grocery market for the first time in MONTHS. seeing all their stupid marinated meats and yellow watermelons and tiny korean cookies makes me want to go back there right now. i wish i had taken my camera. on the car i put on a korean pop cd (!!!!!!!!!!!) and listened to this old song, which is pretty much ubiquitous in korea (maybe equivalent of Hey Jude or something?) and i nearly DIED. holy shitsville i am pms today.
i want to win a lottery, because i know my future holds little money. i plan to be indebted to my sister during adulthood.
we are DONE the fucking yearbook!!!!!!!! HOORAH
hoozah alakazam. we are amazing.
i'll take pictures if everything goes according to plan. *triumphant laugh*
the apartment is a fucking pigsty/boiler room, i should go deal with that right now. it seems like i havent seen my family for the last couple of years.

a storybook i made for ester. she is the main character.

i should be a picture book author. hahah!

i should be a picture book author. hahah!
about 12 hours ago i did my first exam. HOORAH HOORAH HOORAH. 1 down, 3 to go. i've ranted about that english exam enough, i've exhausted myself on the subject. anyway it was just a fucking exam.
worked on the yearbook for seven hours (!) at anna's. anna's mom is officially the weirdest annoying person alive. she is condescending towards me because the university i plan to attend in september used to be a TOTALLY inferior polytechnic. what the frick? plus she's a regular toronto-hater like most grownup vancouverites are. she pissed me off. whatever mang, get out of my sight.
university talk aside, i might have exciting news to share in the future, but can't share it yet until i am surer of things. =D
fuck im tired. gotta work in the morning. i need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
ciaos y'all.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
i want to defy the logic of all sexx laws

i started a "100 THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE" list after talking to wesley on msn. he admits that his list is pretty cheesey but aren't all the important things in life cheesey? #12 on his list: spend new years eve at times square, ny. #16: read war and peace. protest at a demonstration. shake hands with any president. and so on.
there are only two things on my list. i wonder when i'll even get to #50. i guess i will be making this list for a while.
tomorrow is my first exam. my body is stressed. mhmhmhmhmhmhm lets not think about exams.
some photos that have been lurking on my computer for ages:

you are white and i am yellow
ohyesssssssssssssss. forgot to say that i had the awesomest dream yesterday night. i forget what happened exactly, but it was some adventure story involving lots of running around. and it wasnt even a nightmare! how exciting.
there are many things to do on my boring to-do list and nothing in my fun to-do list.
im actually kind of glad im not going to mcgill. the rich int'l kids would have annoyed me far too much. once again, i have no frigging idea what im talking about.
rachel drove me home. man i love how i automatically say "yea" and "uh huh" when she's talking. as if i'm listening to the pointless/boring things she says. i am so fucking awesome. today she talked about how she wants to find a nice jewish boy at queens. i coulda laughed. i feel bad, too, because rachel is a much better person than others whom i actually listen to. so whack.
woah i spelled rachel's name correctly and nearly forgot to misspell it (i always do in case they google themselves and find my blog.)
ana asked me if i go to church on sunday mornings. hahaha!
shit i need to get away from my self pitying self.
i'm an ocean, i'm all emotion, i'm a cherry ghost

it's 5am and i just had three hours of fitful sleep. ugh. it's beginning to be light outside, which means there is no way i am going to fall asleep again. i utterly hate this fucked up sleeping thing. i was too antsy to sleep so i turned on the laptop and spent half an hour trying to change something on privacy settings on facebook and miserably failed. how do people do that?
went to samaras last nite and watched people get shitfaced in numerous ways. uh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah. goddayum. i wish i could erase memories from my brain. makes me antsy. can i please go back to where we were before the craziness? i need alone time really bad. i need to take a vacation to the middle of the Sahara Desert and listen to music on earphones and be depressed while appreciating songs and drink apple juice and sit in the sun and chillax. too fucking bad i cant. now i need alcohol to feel good at all, how depressing. ive never gone out so often and seen so many people and felt so terrible. it doesnt help that my body's a retard these days and my fucking crooked spine hates me. I CANT SLEEP WHEN MY BACK HURTS.
i should to take up swimming again but i need a buddy. i havent seen my family for more than five minutes all this week because fucking swim meets are taking over my family's lives. my mom is basically a workaholic zombie and will kill herself working. the other day my dad called and he was all "so hows it going" and it dawned on me that i NEVER say anything except yes/no on these phone conversations. TOOK ME NINE YEARS TO REALIZE THIS, ahahahahahahahaha.
until exams are over, i need to get a grip because right now im sliiiiiiiiding into a hole of apathy and it makes me feel so, so, so, so, so, so, so bad.
oh SHIT i forgot mmva's were on sunday. aha. oh well. i wonder who won things? i wonder if i care? i wonder if i should? i used to care about this crap.
i need a quiet lazy day of watching dvds and not feeling like i have to throw up every 2 minutes.
how the fuck am i supposed to go back to sleep now? its practically afternoon. (5:35am)
angry fenny,
can i have my childhood back?
Monday, June 18, 2007

i was going to write a huge-ass fuckin post about xiao's beach party on friday nite. however, i am now all nice and pissed off and gossip'd out over msn, so that will have to wait.
worked on yearbook with anna today. holy shit holy shit holy shit why am i so sentimental over our stupid little friendship in grade eight. (only lara knows about my bitter sentiments. hah). lies had a picture of the two of us in grade 8 when we worked on our DNA project, at the same dining table that we were working at today. none of us have changed very much physically, but OH MAN, we live in different worlds today.
had a good day putting together the yb. i'm so exhausted though, and we're nowhere close to being done. for one thing, we dont have a freaking front cover yet. one good news is that we're on budget, thank lord.
i am slowly killing my mom because she overworks. i feel kind of shitty that i won't be a filthy rich ass billionaire when i am older. i should find more kids to tutor and maybe i wont need a frikken student loan for my damned pretentious university education.
i need a lottery dream.

money is yummy,
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
crazy night. i need to sit down and just have some alone time without anyone (especially not david). too much shit going on in my brain. i feel gross and i am never drinking whisky again.
tomorrow anna and i are hanging out one-to-one (albeit with yb shit) for the first time since grade eight. seriously. i remember we worked on that huge-ass biology DNA project together on remembrance day while our moms shared life stories. or the time when we passed stupid notes in class. haha i can't believe it myself.
anna wrote in my yearbook:
dear jenjenjen,
my first great friend in the mini! can i say that i think you are SO AMAZING. the artsyness, the photography, the writing, the music, the friends, the gossip, the life! i hope we stay in touch forever. i want to hear where you go! love, anna
Friday, June 15, 2007
thank you india, thank you terror, thank you disillusionment
i just played two solitaire games because im the biggest weirdo around...

hahahha i love this part.

just a mirror for the sun
pixxx from ester's house
(warning: shitload of pictures.)

ester's green room!

o rly?


red hearts on the mirror

i am greatly envious of her picture bulletin board. i want a huge thing like that!

we um, lay in her bed and went giddy/crazy for two solid hours.
we must have been high on sugar or something. not good.

her quilt

she owns soooo many photo albums. i want them!

can you spot me on the bulletin board?

wat r we doin?

ester's plushie doggie

hi es

awww, emo dare!

i see one-eyed roxy

looks like baby feet.

it's like the 'highschool graduation' version of phantom of the opera

im here

and here in the prom pic

and heeeere

i heart that picture!

baby es!

a vintage ysl skirt that es is giving away (to me)...

HAHAHAHAA. this wins picture of the century.


lara and the creepy hugging heart


omg dares vietnamese!!!!!!!!!!!!

es' "inspirational cards". HAHAHA

like this one... how deep!


the "i love to exercise" one is hilarious.


so this person is to blame for encouraging ester's strange vocab.

this picture is too funny.

holy shit. this will give me nitemares lar!!!!!

poorly taken photo, ultimately summing up our weirdass eventless night.


deer caught in headlights

oh lara.

i dont think i was there for the explanation of this

dare with my glasses...

and lar

we made a star!

discussing rox's fake id

that was the biggest post of pointless pictures ever! hah. we were frikken hyper, laughing about everything and nothing.... i wonder how i got so giddy. a trillion more pictures on buzznet (start at page 11 and work backwards).
we were going to rent a dvd, but they didnt have what we wanted (history boys). on our way to the video store, a creepy man tried to talk to us, then failed, then made us watch him run like a country bumpkin idiot. it was one of the scariest things i've ever witnessed. "hey girls! i'm just making a joke! watch!", he said. we got the fuck out of there.
i didnt do anything tonite except shower and go on facebook. fuck. tomorrow i will have to do something pointful and possibly even contemplate studying for my fucking provincial exams.
(warning: shitload of pictures.)

ester's green room!

o rly?


red hearts on the mirror

i am greatly envious of her picture bulletin board. i want a huge thing like that!

we um, lay in her bed and went giddy/crazy for two solid hours.
we must have been high on sugar or something. not good.

her quilt

she owns soooo many photo albums. i want them!

can you spot me on the bulletin board?

wat r we doin?

ester's plushie doggie

hi es

awww, emo dare!

i see one-eyed roxy

looks like baby feet.

it's like the 'highschool graduation' version of phantom of the opera

im here

and here in the prom pic

and heeeere

i heart that picture!

baby es!

a vintage ysl skirt that es is giving away (to me)...

HAHAHAHAA. this wins picture of the century.


lara and the creepy hugging heart


omg dares vietnamese!!!!!!!!!!!!

es' "inspirational cards". HAHAHA

like this one... how deep!


the "i love to exercise" one is hilarious.


so this person is to blame for encouraging ester's strange vocab.

this picture is too funny.

holy shit. this will give me nitemares lar!!!!!

poorly taken photo, ultimately summing up our weirdass eventless night.


deer caught in headlights

oh lara.

i dont think i was there for the explanation of this

dare with my glasses...

and lar

we made a star!

discussing rox's fake id

that was the biggest post of pointless pictures ever! hah. we were frikken hyper, laughing about everything and nothing.... i wonder how i got so giddy. a trillion more pictures on buzznet (start at page 11 and work backwards).
we were going to rent a dvd, but they didnt have what we wanted (history boys). on our way to the video store, a creepy man tried to talk to us, then failed, then made us watch him run like a country bumpkin idiot. it was one of the scariest things i've ever witnessed. "hey girls! i'm just making a joke! watch!", he said. we got the fuck out of there.
i didnt do anything tonite except shower and go on facebook. fuck. tomorrow i will have to do something pointful and possibly even contemplate studying for my fucking provincial exams.
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