warning: crazy no-punctuation, no-grammar brain-barf post.
on friday i felt like shit all day. queasy and depressed as hell. oooyes. met up with malcolm in granville island, ate a falafel pita (yum), walked 'round the market. saw lucas (figures, i bet he practically LIVES next to emily carr institute). soooo random because we had been together, hiding from the cops, just the previous nite. i hadn't talked to him since grade seven, but on thursday i was all HEY THIS GUY WENT TO MY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and he was all YEA.
anyway. malc and i drove to burnaby, where we were going to see his friends' concert. listened to john coltrane's album "a love supreme" on the way there. the album was so good, it BLEW MY MIND then totally intoxicated me. the whole time i was paranoid and saw police cars everywhere. i wasnt hallucinating tho. they really WERE everywhere. what the fuck.
got to burnaby and sat in our seats at the theatre. nearly everyone there was either a) 65 or older or b) younger than 16. i am completely serious. it was a youth chorus concert, they sang show tunes from movies and 60s oldies hits. they started singing, and it was as if i'd tripped into the land of Truly Insane. it was like a musical, completely cheesey and american (not that those two words are necessarily synonyms...) except it was totally mesmerizing because they were just SO UNLIKE anything i'd seen in my entire life. so amusing and hilarious and holy frikken omfg. it was like an epiphany of "wow, i cant believe this exists, i only watch this in movies and documentaries".
their song choices included 'you make me feel like a natural woman', 'seasons of love', and all those extra-gooey-cheesy songs that all sound vague and familiar, but you have noooo idea what they exactly are. god, im so glad i went because it has serious expanded my bank of unbelievable experiences. i COULDNT believe such a theatre/singing troupe even exists in greater vancouver, it was so gooey generic crazy. it was like watching a church choir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCEPT THIS IS WORSE/BETTER because people PAID for that shit. (i didnt, thank god, malc bought my ticket.)
after THAT amazing experience (serious), we exited and i met kezia, who is traveling to europe with malc. her parents wanted malcolm to introduce me to them. uhhya. we escaped and drove, drove, drove away to vancouver where we sat at a nice and sane dessert shop. wanted to eat something huge and fattening, but i was still queasy then. ugh. plus god was giving me signals or something the whole nite, there were freaking cop cruisers everywhere. righto. i think i have gone temporarily loony.
talked till 12am, then i took the bus home. man i need some boring life back. oh wait did i really just say that?! I NEED ALONE TIME REALLY BADLY OR I WILL BE DEPRESSED. does that even make sense. god i need sleep.
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