Saturday, June 09, 2007


Grad pictures up on facebook!

i've no patience to put 'em pictures on flickr, so please refer to facebook for more.

im very tired, so here is what happened yesterday and today:

grad ceremony wasnt as boring as i thought, though i was sick and spat out blood earlier in the morning (ew). a lot of people got awards that they totally deserve. i got an award for arts/writing/mini philosophy. the cool thing is, my mom personally knows the guy the award is named after. it comes with $500, ahaha. i am awesome (clearly...). eli's valedictory speech wasnt half bad.

went to royal vancouver yacht club for buffet dinner with minis + family. elison said some nice things. watched a slideshow of pictures from the last five years. holy crap i cant believe i have known my class for that long.

after dinner, the bunch of us taxi'd to the aftergrad party in downtown. i didnt have a sip of alcohol, a poor decision. it was uneventful enough for ester to wish she were on E. whatever. i had fun dancing like crazy and being emo with ester. yessssssir. we took photo booth pictures, which was FREAKING AWESOME. i want to do that for the rest of my life with everyone i meet.

lar and i took a cab to her house. we drank tea and snuggled up in blankets and watched a movie, but we fell asleep with the tv on. hahaha. pretty early too, maybe 4:30am? we woke up at noon and made scrambled eggs. yum.

lara and i watched The Weather Man (starring nicholas cage), hella depressing movie, i did not need that extra bit of blargh. couldve done without, but it wasnt a bad movie. we played chess. lara is a chess genius so she taught me shit. it was cool. we spent the rest of the day playing scrabble while drinking beer. for the first time ever in my life, we played scrabble till we ran out of letters. i played a bit with ardie before i went home at nearly 7pm:

lara: (enters) hmm. there are two words on the scrabble board. lemme guess... "inate" is jen's word and "cute" is arden's.

man im going to miss lara's house. i'm going to miss all of lara's family, robin and linda and jer and ardie. and lara's kitty. shit i am depressed.

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