Saturday, June 16, 2007

crazy night. i need to sit down and just have some alone time without anyone (especially not david). too much shit going on in my brain. i feel gross and i am never drinking whisky again.

tomorrow anna and i are hanging out one-to-one (albeit with yb shit) for the first time since grade eight. seriously. i remember we worked on that huge-ass biology DNA project together on remembrance day while our moms shared life stories. or the time when we passed stupid notes in class. haha i can't believe it myself.

anna wrote in my yearbook:

dear jenjenjen,
my first great friend in the mini! can i say that i think you are SO AMAZING. the artsyness, the photography, the writing, the music, the friends, the gossip, the life! i hope we stay in touch forever. i want to hear where you go! love, anna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is the most depressing photo

i miss virgin megastore