why do i have this constant feeling of wanting to throw up these days? must not be eating/sleeping enough. i have motherfucking load of work this week, i dont know how im going to survive.
- mini grad yearbook, askdjflskjglwjeoijwio3jskfjlsdl
- newspaper article/cd review
- math final
- chem studying badly needed
- writing assignment
- history review
- french exam practice
- photo project (ew)
- obsessing over the crappiness of ryerson
- should i go to xiao's birthday shindig and get fucked all over?
- graduation ceremony
- aftergrad
- holy
- shit
- i
- am
- graduating
i need food and sleep. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH WORK TO DO.
yesterday i nearly had a paranoid breakdown. i want to go into a comatose sleep and not come back until i feel all rested. seems like i haven't seen my friends for about two billion years. i can't deal with xiao's drunklor (word credit raymi) birthdaything right now, i might stay at home and watch fight club with my sister, that way i wont fuck around with my head anymore. or maybe i'll work on the stupid grad yearbook.
i feel terrible for missing lara's presentation on john irving. sorry lara. felt sick and feverish in the morning.
shit i need to eat something before i actually throw up on this keyboard. my head feels all dizzy gillespie
ps. ian just called my house. HAHAHAHAHAHA times TWENTY BILLION.
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