went shopping with dara and malcolm. i think we pissed him off/ hurt his feelings. i am soooo subtle. hopefully he will forget. anyway we went to lara's for dinner, and malc dug into the great depths of lara's three fridges for ingredients for some great gourmet meal. righto. we ate spaghetti with meatballs then fish with pureed sweet potato. we drank tea. then more people showed up and we listened to all sorts of shit on the ipod speaker before i got too feverish/antisocial. i went up to lara's room and snuggled in blankies.
rachel and i were making in-the-closet jokes in front of malc and i totally forgot that maybe it's not the most appropriate thing in the world. o well
dare and lara made cinnamon buns, but i didn't eat. malc and i youtubed random music videos and i argued and asked rude questions and he did his whole cp shit, reading up on radiohead and the connection between "pyramid song" and some jazz sample? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (oh man, i'm bringing lara's hmmm's back).
matt and dave showed up and i RAN like i would from a flesh-eating virus (basically what dave is). he drove me home and the whole time i was antsy.
aidan and ben and eric were there, super antisocial and awkward group who probably didn't even say goodbye. i was all "hey aidan i havent seen you all nite" and then realized that i was actually making deliberate conversation with aidan. what.the.fuck.
anyway i'm home now and i should go to bed. i'm sick. i dont want to go to ester's super sugary birthday party tomorrow, nor the after-party that will involve some crazy shit. poor lara. everyone takes advantage of her parentless house. i would not want geordy and his crew to be ANYWHERE near my house.
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