hooooooooooooooly shit i am DONE with exams. there goes my highschool experience. picked up report cards after history exam. got the fuck out of there. the empty halls are too depressing, i cant stick around for too long.
went to lara's for a bit. we chilled for a while and went through lara's "highschool memory box", which was hilarious. remember when rachel and vince TOTALLY had a thing? ya, exactly. i died laughing about ten times. lara read out loud letters from us. i was so dorky in grade ten. well i guess i am dorky now. haha too bad. shit i miss stupid immature times. dara wants to go back to the times of mr. breslaur and mr. morton. i do too, sort of. frikken grade eight. one day we need to, as a group, go thru my shoeboxes full of photos and diary entries. it is such a golden experience. the boxes are probably my most valuable possessions (debatable, but still up there).
went to have "high tea" with rachel and lara. holy shit. can you imagine me, cynical jenny, going to HIGH TEA? yes, high tea, as in drinking-tea-from-obscure-parts-of-asia -from-ostentatious-teacups- while-raising-your-pinky. and eating scones with devonshire cream. what the fuck is devonshire cream? it looks something like this (images from flickr):

anyway. it was like tripping into an alternate universe... or like playing mommy and daddy. like um sure i belong there, drinking darjeeling tea among teens in fred segal clothing and 50something women. it was so fantastic. i need to do it again so i can marvel at the craziness of it all. it was like when i went to that ridiculous concert with malcolm: it was so ridiculous, it was surreal that i was there at all.
after paying $5 for a pot of tea (oh god) we went to look at shoes, then books, then baby clothes @ gap kids. don't ask. went to the library, where rach got out a chick-lit book titled "bad boy". ahaha. cant WAIT to hear what that's all about.
i came home at six and now im dizzy from hunger/exhaustive studying yesterday. i need to do laundry and dishes and make dinner for myself (barf) and then maybe i'll snuggle with a blanket and watch a dvd ALL BY MYSELF. im actually excited. not the making dinner part tho, it is depressing to eat by myself.
schools officially over and there's a bazillion parties going down tonite apparently? at geordies, annas, some track party. lara's tomorow (i think) and ester's on saturday. gahhhh. i need to find a birthday gift for es.
word. that is my update on my life. im kind of bummed that high school is over, actually... i'll miss talking to these people sober. frick i am an idiot.
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