Friday, July 20, 2007

crank heart

did nothing today except read, make up paranoid situations in my head to piss myself off, and go completely nuts researching up about fifty xiu xiu interviews. i am officially obsessed about jamie stewart. i wrote him a short fan email (wow loser) and he replied, with lots of xoxoxo's and everything. i read the 3-line email about five times. i am CLEARLY losing my mind.

spent about twenty hours (read: two hours) on it pisses me off that all the photos that get noticed are the fucking cliche ones (like the ones below). deliriously cliche. 70% of the people are still fave-ing the exact same pictures of sunsets and birds and insects and the eiffel tower and -- UGH! it depresses me, really. it truly does.

the photographers who take the cliche photos aren't even at fault anymore -- the stupid people who worship them, however, ARE at fault. they're sheep. these sunset pix are fine pictures, but what the hell? not at all saying that i have some elitist class-A artistry in photography, but HAVE YOU PEOPLE GOT ONLY THREE MODES IN YOUR BRAINS?

same goddam thing.



this one has a whopping 21,000 views, 200 comments, 700 fave's.

massively successful flickr photos:

- always taken with digital slr. three quarters of the time, with a canon eos or some nikon camera.
- excessively photoshopped
- high colour saturation
- subject matter include: parrots, canaries, sunsets, the ocean, sunsets by the ocean, mountains, rivers, grassy meadows, metropolitan cities at night, the beach, tower of pisa, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, italian basilicas (forgivable), portraits of attractive twentysomethings, emo kids (though this is more a deviantart material than flickr), the sky, clouds, spiderwebs, closeups of raindrops on leaves, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. oh plus macros of flowers.
- either a macro photo or a giant-ass, uninspiring landscape. SLDFJSLFJSLDJFLSFS
- hidious, predictable, and totally undeserved of its hype.


carrie said...

i wrote a fan letter to wil wheaton when i was in like junior high or something and i got a cardboard pic with a preprinted signature. but i still liked it.

Krista said...

I see a lot of people favouring the obviously porno ones of chicks in thongs with their asses jutting out, and of flowers. Always with the flowers.

erin said...

Yeah, I'm kind of guilty of taking some of the same sorts of pictures sometimes, but how can you not when you know that's what people will like?

But I'm more likely to favourite portraits of interesting looking people. I like faces. They don't get old.