i refunded a Coach wallet to go shopping next door at GARAGE instead. please tell me WHY. WHY WHY WHY WHY. the wallet was a nice quality thing, but i didn't really deserve it. i don't think i could have lived with it peacefully. hahaha. i bought $5 flip flops and a $20 swim suit at Garage. le sigh. i am really bad. though now i have money to spend.
ANYWAY. ester is pestering me to write her a plane letter because she's leaving for japan tomorrow. i haven't started, but something tells me that i'm going to be the only person to write her one. i'm off to her house soon to say goodbye.
i think i should have one nite to watch a bazillion good movies and eat popcorn and drink kool-aid and snuggle with blankets.
i somehow magically installed microsoft word 2003 without purchasing it. i have no idea how i activated it because it was on "free xx-day trial" for a while. got lucky, i suppose.
"Hello, Harry," said George, beaming at him. "We thought we heard your dulcet tones."
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