dear lord. i'm about to fry in this boiler-room-hot apartment. this is when i hate my house the most, when the sun is blazing down and the west-facing apartment soaks up sunlight and transforms into a hellhole. HELP. i want to take a bath in ice water.
woke up past noon. le sigh. i had lunch with mom and sis, then plopped on the couch to read a GOSSIP GIRL novel for THREE AND A HALF HOURS (tho not the one pictured above). i am completely serious. i should have been reading the newspaper, or the new yorker, or the fountainhead, or anything sane, but nooooo, i am reading delishious trash from the teen section of our tragically limited library. here is an excerpt:
Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side, where my friends and I get everything - and everyone - we want. Snagging the latest Marc Jacobs bag or your best friend's boyfriend isn't always pretty, but it's always hot.
it's so ridiculous, it's AMAZING. i can't take my eyes off it, tho i'm up to my head in contempt!!!
anyway. someone called me at 1ish but i have no idea who it was. this is why people get caller id, so that they can ignore calls and still know what's happening. sigh. i am supposed to be getting my uni rez info in the mail, haven't gotten it yet, am getting paranoid. ahhhhhhh i wish i could just take a trip to the middle of nowhere and get away from my worries about september. i am such a friggin worrywart. *whine*
ok this post is gross. i need to get it off my hands and into the big cyberhole that is bloggertrash.
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