i got two postcards today, one from Japan and another from Dubai. ester addressed her postcard to Jenny Cobain Lee. haha
my mom left a $20 bill on my laptop to compensate for the complete lack of food in the house. i feel like i should clean up the house more cuz my sister never does any work and the only time i see my mom is when she's behind the laptop (sigh).
went to kits beach yesterday to see the fireworks. all the unions are on strike but the beach didn't look too badly littered to me.


nice parasol.

i played texas holdem poker for the first time in my entire life. it was fun.

i needed to keep this by me at all times haha

kits beach

i want to lie on a towel with a bag of lays chips

lara has an ipod now

dara has emo bangs

roxy's harry potter doubled as my chip table

i was steadily losing

the kids next to us had light sabres, which i envied


i dont know what this is either.

denise is rich

looks like a bottle of wine exploded

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