Wednesday, July 25, 2007

nowhere man, please listen

lara, denise, rox and i hung out a while ago, and we somehow managed to watch hours and hours of movies and tv without even noticing time whizzing by. we fell asleep watching Fargo and jerked awake when my mom called my cell at three in the morning. managed to watch another solid hour of tv somehow. it's like someone bewitched time.

the bunch of us minus denise went to the park when it was pouring rain. it was nine at nite, and since it was rainy, the sky was purplish indigo, not black. we got drenched as we played in the playground, ran around the empty park and rolled on the grass. lara and rox were pretty much naked, it was funny. lying on the grass with my face up to the great blank sky made me feel alive and dead simultaneously. it was silent and cool and alone and free and just what i needed.

the three of us put our clothes back on and we walked to the mini school. we rolled down the grassy mini hill one last time. omg hella fun. it was like being in grade eight again.

yesterday i went to granville island with lar & neese. we mostly sat in the stuffy sea air (and talked university shit, which i'm trying hard to forget).

we went to the bakery:

granville island market.

then the market:

that girl playing violin was trying to make money for her tuition to julliard

i want pineapple!

then outside. some guy was playing guitar and no one was listening.
we three clapped and he looked at us gratefully. HAHAHA.

a mommy, a baby, and a sister


more around the island:

biggest bulletin board ever.

we went to opus, where i bought paints and a sketchbook

the clouds were pink yellow and grey.


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