my internet is snail slow right now. by the time i got to blogger i'd forgotten what i desperately needed to blog about. eh. i'm right now reading the archives of my own blog (mmm vanity...). my family has fallen asleep and i am alone with the laptop. sigh. i should probably attend one of my sister's swim meets one of these days, since there are only three left, and i'm ditching her provincials (ugh). i blame this on university.
four weeks ago i said:
i'm so ready to close myself in a bubble and sit and think in silence where no one can bother me
HEY i remember what i was to blog about! the other nite (more like two weeks ago) i had two especially vivid dreams. one was harry potter-related (in which i vanquished the evil lord with a butter knife i have in the kitchen - very cool, must recall dream later), but the other one was just as intriguing.
in the dream was the thomas i knew in grade five, except he was all grown up like he is in his facebook profile. thomas seemed very depressed and he was contemplating suicide because a girl didn't love him back or something. i forget who the girl was, but i know i knew her well. HIGHLY amusing. anyway i was being all serious psychiatrist-like, giving him one of those semi-preachy, semi-friendly talks. and I CONVINCED HIM NOT TO KILL HIMSELF. i am amazing even in my dreams.
the harry potter dream - i was in a creepy green-tinged, grimy-walled school that greatly resembles Van Tech (extremely old and ghetto). in the hallways i looked for Voldemort while wearing a black cape and shit. i found him -- the details are murky, so i don't remember how he looked like -- but he turned into his snake animagus form! he transformed himself lots of times, finally into a small black snake with red squiggly lines, then i STABBED the snake with a sharp kitchen knife when it was in a grimy bathroom sink.
as soon as i stabbed the snake, fall-of-mordor type shit happened (aka lots of black smoke and screaming noises) and VOLDY WAS GONE. i returned to a different classroom, where people in black capes were watching tv with soda in their hands, and i announced that i killed voldy, to which people murmured unenthusiastic replies. what the hell!
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