Sunday, November 04, 2007

don't get high on what you create, or it just might steal yours

just said goodbye to anna after a two-hour talk in my room. she told me about her life at Queen's and i told her what Ryerson Journalism was like... we talked nonstop despite the fact we both had sore throats. oh my god that felt good to talk to her. i don't even know why i'm suddenly welcome to anna, but i guess i missed her more than i realized. she stole the thoughts out of my brain. either that or we're all going through the exact same thing. pfft, university.

i'm glad i'm in toronto and not a smaller city like kingston, i have so much more stuff to do here on the weekends.

art club in one hour! ray and oatz will brainstorm what to paint/collage/etc. ahhh i love my weekends, would love it more if it weren't all the homework i'm neglecting! yikes.

ps. fuck! i forgot to take a picture with anna! sigh.

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