Thursday, November 08, 2007

they don't love you like i love you

some new buttons, from canzine, etc!

--is under control.

powerpuff grrrls!!!!!!!! they didn't have any bubbles ones. sadface.

viva zapatistas! my favourite button ever.

picked this one up at some magazine launch

remember pw?


-emo kid

eating crackers in my room, which is a fucking mess right now. FUCK. i did not take a shower today. i am such a lazyass sometimes i gross myself out. EW. EW. EW. EW. i did not return library books and will probably have to pay $10 in fines. am afraid to go back there. haha. i haven't done any budgeting in the last two weeks. i can't wait for the weekend because i'm going to see lara briefly (plus i'm going to magic pony) but i cant but cringe at the thought of all the work to be done this weekend...

this is becoming a ranting ground more than a proper blog...

xo forevs

ps. i reached 50 facebook albums! word.

1 comment:

Krista said...

ah so many buttons!! where shall you put them all?