some random things i remember from when i was little:

MIFFY THE BUNNY. i dont know where this critter originated from but its like a less freaky hello kitty. (wikipedia has just informed me that it's Dutch and from 1955. whoa). i had picture books of this dude. i dont know where all those picture books went, i had many, probably at my lil cousin's if they're still intact.

this is pochacco, he's from sanrio, like hello kitty.i remember i had a pochacco ruler when i was in grade two hahahaha.

MIFFY THE BUNNY. i dont know where this critter originated from but its like a less freaky hello kitty. (wikipedia has just informed me that it's Dutch and from 1955. whoa). i had picture books of this dude. i dont know where all those picture books went, i had many, probably at my lil cousin's if they're still intact.

this is pochacco, he's from sanrio, like hello kitty.i remember i had a pochacco ruler when i was in grade two hahahaha.
this is 'wedding peach', an anime i watched when i was 5 or 6, i think. i saw this before i ever laid my eyes on sailor moon, though sailor moon is older. i guess it aired later in korea. i didn't even remember what this show was called so i had to spent 10 minutes on google searching blindly hahaha. they're all magical girls obviously and they all get wedding dresses that match their names (peach, lily and daisy) plus combat outfits like the above. oh my god i just rememebered, i had barbie type dolls of these guys. HAHAHA. daisy was my favourite (shes the green haired one).

this is 'magic knight rayearth', another anime i watched when i was older, maybe 8 or 9? holy crap i watched a lot of anime when i was younger. thats all kids ever did in korea anyway. we had some japanese tv channels too and i watched anime off that sometimes, though i didn't understand much. as always the first girl is red and the second girl is blue and the third girl is green. shit they're so predictable i could write a thesis on this crap.

this is ranma 1/2, i remember it better. i was grade 2 or 3 i think. ranma is a chinese martial arts dude but he's cursed. the panda with the squinty eye is ranma's dad, he's cursed too, which is why he's a panda sometimes. HAHAHAHA explaining this is ridiculously funny and deranged. the girl with purple hair is named shampoo.
ok thats it for now. i watched all the typical stuff like dragon ball z and sailor moon, but that stuff is so old. oh yeah i saw some Astro Boy too, but that's like ANCIENT, even my mom grew up watching that.
i cannot believe i just wrote this post.
i cannot believe i just wrote this post.
oh anime. i loved it so and then high-school anime clubs happened.
ever see escaflowne?
I still have a Miffy book from when I was little. I also have a Miffy plate that I bought from Amsterdam airport a couple of years ago and various other Miffy goodies. I <3 her.
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