wow that art club did me no good. hours and hours of talk about home made me so fucking homesick... and i was feeling so freaking good after that talk with anna, too. ugh fuck. i am back to my pessimistic highschool self, cynical and lazy and feeble. dear LORD. i'm not sure if i like my old self anymore hahahahahaa it feels too depressing. YIKES.
what a weird weekend this was. everything seems surreal once again because i am sedated. i hate this stupid cough and i want to get better. i tried to sleep off the stress (my only way to relieve stress) and i couldn't even do that because i was coughing every two seconds. blargh.
so much FUCKING work to do, it's unbelievable, and tomorrow i have to drag my ass to the royal agricultural winter fair to write a news story on it. i'm thinking bad thoughts once again and i. feel. terrible. my stupid cell phone won't let me make long-distance calls for some reason. holy fuck i am about to explode into a thousand shattering bits.
i want my stupid old life for about a few days and just chill in my house and sleep all day long and talk to my mom. goddammit.
ps. the photo editor called and said that my photos were superb, but the reporter's story was shitty, so they are not using the article/picture at all in this week's school newspaper. ugh what the hell? i was pretty angry since i spent so much time on it, but i was so tired that i was all yeah fine whatevs. ew.
pps. i freaking need a copy of great gatsby or i'll fucking die.
ppps. i wish i could copy and paste my dad's email onto here, but it's in korean. hilarious hilarious hilarous times ewwwwwww dear lord plus i am weirded out by far.
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