weekend photos part one

lara's little-boy wallet. hehe

old navy. HAHAHHAA. we all bought the same sweaters, in different colours, though lara bought an additional sweater that strongly reminds me of a christmas tree

lick's homeburgers

my onion rings.

oh ester.

lara: "what the fuck? why's this soy sauce labeled 'vinegar'?... oh, it's malt vinegar. nevermind."

lara's toque from MEC. (we visited MEC today and it felt like we were in vancouver... mmm waterproof , practical, ugly clothing. I LOVE. i miss it so fucking bad.)

check out the um, red 'n' white patterns. HAHAHAHA.

camwhore es.

hi lar.

why does this crack me up so much?
here in my room with lara. listening to fiona apple. drinking peppermint tea. life is good.
went shopping at the eaton centre with lara and ester. i returned a wool coat from zara, and with that money, i bought a cheaper wool coat (from urban planet), a white fleece, MEC stuff and groceries. how efficient! we ate dinner at lick's burgers and went to ester's rez in university of toronto, hung out there. it's very homey.
i'm kind of freaked out by ester. though i know this is temporary because i only spaz intensely temporarily whenever something drastic happens, then couldn't care less about it about three days later.
ester, lara and i took a crapload of photos and laughed our asses off making faces and other retarded shit like that that i love. hahaha. we also went through all the prom photos on facebook and re-evaluated everyone's prom dress choices. lara and i looked through some photos of galiano yesterday nite. seriously, you do not realize how beautiful vancouver is until you leave it. i miss the ocean a fuckload.
lara and i walked back to my room at ryerson rez, went grocery shopping at midnite on the way. i bought granola bars, milk, apples, canned soup. lara bought chocolate milk, crispies and oatmeal cereal (for me!). when we got back, we watched an hour of pointless tv and i did laundry for the first time in a week and a half.
i have so much homework to do tomorrow, but i'm not sure if i will be able to do it ... i'd rather spend the day hanging out with angela in the afternoon then have dinner with ray and her parents. HAHAHA. god i'm lame. i was supposed to go to pacific mall (the most asian mall in toronto, think richmond shops) with brian today so we could retrace our asian roots, but i guess that didn't happen. maybe next weekend. fuck, i am sooo behind in schoolwork it is not even funny.
i got the 2nd highest mark in a grammar exam out of all jschoolers and i feel content, though severely depressed when i think about it.
i don't know what i want in my life right now. nothing's settled in my brain. in highschool, all my thoughts and wants and desires and hates were nicely categorized into boxes. now thoughts are floating all over the place, and i don't know what to feel. therefore, i don't know how to react to half the things i come across... i've lost the ability to hate something on principle or love something on principle. i guess i could write a longer rant on this but i'll save you from that.
1 comment:
stop knocking the sweater jen geez! you know its the most amazing thing ever and ur just jealous.
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