Sunday, April 23, 2006

drown in my own tears

gagh, die, essay, die.
i am worried that i am not worried about not having done any research so far.... lalalalala.

i wish my essay magically wrote itself.

i downloaded the Islands album, and the Black Mountain album, and some live Matt Good.

today someone whom i hate dearly called me for the first time ever because she needed some chemistry homework. i faxed her sheets. i am way too kind for my own good. hah.

my body feels like deteriorating any minute now.

on a more serious note, check out this documentary called Loose Change if you already haven't... it's fucking scary. it's about a conspiracy theory of 9/11... and the evidence is strikingly comprehensive.

1 comment:

Dare said...

whoaness. I think I was discussing that documentary with my cousin last time I saw him.... creepy.