today is my friend denise's birthday. she had her locker decorated and lara baked a cake for her and ayli (who had her birthday yesterday)... we celebrated during lunch at school and they blew out 16 of the 17 candles. heh. the cake was yummy.
after school dara and i stalled for hours, trying to get our plan into action... we stayed at Starbucks until vincent showed up, then we went to matt's house... it was quite random and amusing. we watched The Incredibles. matt was pretty much sleeping the entire time... he looked really tired. heh.
we bussed back home and we're going to have a get-together party thing at anna's ... i will see how that goes, im going in half an hour. we're going to eat desserts and listen to crap music and dance. ahahahahaaha.
haha a lot of name-dropping in this post eh?
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