yesterday was fun. the usual five of us went out to downtown to shop. i FINALLY bought Matthew Good Band's The Audio of Being. luckily i found the limited edition, with the "Pleasurable Headache" booklet... for about 8 bucks. yesssssss. sweet.
I also finally bought new shoes. i usually buy one pair of moderately expensive shoes and stick to them until they wear out completely. hahaha.

we ate an incredibly large amount of food yesterday. first some of us had sugar + butter crepes at Cafe Crepe, then after a round of going through the mall, we went to the food court, where we ate fattening fries/poutine from NY Fries... then we got up and moved to Tim Horton's and ate some more food. timbits and the like. we extensively discussed worrying about becoming obese from eating so much, hahahahah. i am well on my way to becoming fat. huzzah.

at georgia + robson

i've spent a giant fat sum of money, and have more to buy later this month. next month i am to go on a shopping fast, because at this rate i'll probably go completely broke.
you didn't have AoB? :O
but ... how did you LIVE?
I suppose getting A Pleasurable Headache in there makes up for it. :P
ahaha. yessss. my advice isn't always useless!
mmmmmmm Timbits.
and mmmmmm AoB with a Pleasurable Headache.
See you soon :D
i swear to god u should be some kind of a artist..
i dont want ur talent going to waste.
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