Wednesday, October 25, 2006

dara says i'm a closet emooo. (pronounced emu)


i kind of have nothing to blog about today. same old, same old.... im sick of my stupid shits and if i am, so is everyone obvs

i should do that writing assignment that was due about a month ago.

i seriously need to take a vow of non-procrastination. one day if i get cancer, i'm probably going to procrastinate going to the hospital for treatment, and then prob die. the tag on my toe will say CAUSE OF DEATH: PROCRASTINATION. ahahaha

woah some neighbour kid downstairs just SCREAMED really weirdly and i could hear it ring out into the empty streets just now. creepy

1 comment:

Krista said...

i always procrastinate taking anti-biotics when i get sick, and tylenol when i get a headache.

that picture is cute, i wanna magnet of it.