north korea tested out their nukes in spite of international pressure and the world is pissed off and very antsy about it. dun dun dun. it made front page of newspaper this morning. my mom is worried. she gets visible headaches, you can see them coming from a mile away. and i dont want anything bad to happen. it scares me.
unrelated (old) news: a south korean dude is going to be the next UN Secretary General starting on New Years, 2007. i'm actually excited because of this. the last time the UN had an asian secretary general was 1961-1971.
i was leafing through my history text today and apparently Lester Pearson was supposed to be the first ever UN secretary general, except the USSR opposed it. what! i had no idea. it really would have been his claim to fame, and canada's, if he were, though.
ok bye.
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