im going to go on threadless and buy my sister's birthday gift RIGHT NOW then write a super funny insane book of geeky inside jokes
... her birthday is nov 3rd
im so prepared
my sister is obvs going be 1000x richer/more successful than me when we're both adults. i dunno. we are good at making each other feel inadequate coz she thinks im perfect and i envy her unlinear brilliance.
ps. i love beck's album MIDNITE VULTURES. flawless geniussssssss I HEART BECK FOR ETERNITY. kthxbi
i totally thought daras blog died, and i just checked it and she updated it liek 5 million times!
i feel so out of it. :(
I am jealous that you have the new Beck cd...I think I am going to get it today!! yipeeeeee
beck is pretty much the coolest ever
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