Thursday, October 26, 2006

holy flip, its IMPOSSIBLE to write this grad writeup thing. i've looked for MEANINGFUL QUOTES for about seven gazillion hours TO ZERO SUCCESS. they are a) generic b) overused c) irrelevant to grad d) inappropriate e) too depressing or f) SOMEONE ALREADY TOOK IT.

booooooooooo.... =(

anyway i have like six pages worth of ctrl-v'ed quotes on MS word and nothing that really grabs me yet....... dur dur dur. coughperfectionistcough.

my back fucking hurts.

oh shite i didn't do any chem reading. o well

i need to write a poem for my class. a poem on WHAT i dunno!!!! i need iNspIRAtIoN! i have nothing to write about. okay fine today i wanted to write about grade five playground. god i loved grade five, i swear it's the best year of my LIFE with all that elementary school playing and half-innocent half-tween shit, man that was fun. plus it was last year of elementary skool (i went to middle school in gr 6) so it was the PERFECT LEASH LENGTH. old enough to walk around the streets on my own, but not old enough to do stupid shit/obsess over trivialities. perfect.

plus we had grade 5 camp type thing for three days and those were some awesome days, equivalent to my grade 8 strathcona trip almost.

i've nixed the grade 5 playground idea though, because my memory-based poems usually suck. scratch that, my poems just usually suck in general.

then suddenly i wanted to write a poem that was reminiscient of a My Bloody Valentine song/lyrics, but kevin shields is a genius and i can't copy him at all.

i'm left with NO OPTIONS except for retard shit, ie usual "writer" teen ponderingment. eww wait i take that back. theres no way i'll write a poem on that shit. i think i will write a poem about my husband owen pallett except he doesnt know i'm his wife yet. but thats ok. owen is a genius and his cover of the mariah carey song "fantasy" sounds meaningful and almost charming in a nerdgeek way... the way sloan lyrics are charming. CLICK HERE to hear it for yourself.

its five days till my friend's birthday. his birthday is on halloween

i've rambled song enuff... by the way did you know that "hen" backwards is "neh"??????

"neh" is the greatest word ever.


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