so, this is what i'm TOTALLY going to be for Halloween:

i need me one of these super girly magic wand thingys. i actually had one when i was like 6, im sure of it:

the bunch of us are going to be different sailor dudes... Denise already dibs'ed Sailor Jupiter (the tall, green one). ahahaha we are so idiotic. Y'ALL DIBS YOUR SPOTS NOW IF YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THIS SHENANIGAN. i forget what Dara wanted to be.

we might even incorporate the other sailor dudes. ie:

wow that was a shitload of eye candy.
we're sooo having a gaudy costume halloween party this year. otherwise it will be official that we are lame ass kids.
ok this was totally random. i wonder what i'll REALLY be for halloween... i kind of want to go as an emo kid...
jenny aren't you already emo? go as one of your friends. jupiter is the smart sailor moon right?
hells ya, that is so cute! shit I wonder whatI should be????
holy shit i love sailor moon to death. my big nerdy secret is OUT.
raymi: nooo, the smart one is sailor mercury. and marnie you should be something nerdy, ie a BLOGGER.
oh my god i am SO obsessed with sailor moon
you're awesome
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