i might see joanna newsom [above photo] in concert. tix went on sale today. $22 plus service charges. come if you wanna. (this means you pwers.)
i'm going to dara's birthday shindig tonite, so maybe i will annoy the 15 people who are coming by going SNAPSNAPSNAP and taking a shitload of photos!
look forward to them pix. (or not.)
ian is NOT, i repeat, NOT coming to the party dinner. SWEET ASS, BEST NEWS OF THE CENTURY.
update: i need to be at lara's right now but i'm so goddamn lazy to even get off my ass and get out of the fucking apartment. i think i have a sleeping disease. i am completely serious.
i think that even if i had a fake id, no one would believe me to be 19 coz i look like a retarded juvenile kid. someone told me all asians look younger than they are that but obvs thats so not the truth.
1 comment:
yeah i notice i can sleep a lot more during fall/winter months.
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