i was in writing class today and somehow the talk turned to the topic of discrimination against first nations peoples in canada, etc. those sticky issues. i was absolutely HORRIFIED with what some of the kids said.
dumb shit: i think first nations people should just stop drinking and get jobs. i mean, they get tax breaks and all that kind of stuff, i think white people have been WAY too forgiving to them. they dont have to pay taxes and sure, they had to go to residential schools, they don't have to do that anymore. we've been, like, totally forgiving, like, totally.
lara and i were actually open-mouthed, incredulous. at least i know i was. we were staring at Dumb Shit with red laser eyes, hoping to turn her into a puddle of goo. ahahahaha.
me: ... you have got to be fucking joking me.
some kid, to the dumb shit: you DO know that its the white people who introduced them to alcohol, and that they have lower tolerance? and that its the white people who took over their land?
i think i'd be bad at debating. rude words were about to pop out of my throat.
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