im antsy right now coz i have no one to complain to about math homework. anyway if i did that, people would start throwing stuff at me / get pissed off. it's a very touchy subject. still, the math is bugging me, ie im about to rip my hair out because i dont want to do it. friiiiiiiiiiiig.
it seems like most blogs are dead these days. BTW i find the east coast/west coast blogworldthing weird. i mean, it's as if if you are a west coast blogger, you suddenly attempt to work your way up the blog hierarchy in order to join this big elite group of ... bloggers Who Are Just Like You. when they pretty much have nothing else in common. i dunno. its cool i guess, coz everyone seems to be good friends, but i dont "get" it. they might as well be a big group of People Who Listen To Coldplay/Eat With Chopsticks/Are Left Handed. why so friendly and eager?
dur dur i forget what i was going to blog about. d'oh. today after school, denise rox lara and i watched the guys' volleyball game and our team SUCKED. we left after the first game, but still. ehn. we saw vincent in the other school team and i mostly tried to hide from his sight, not that he was looking for me or anything, but it's still weird. uhhhh. vincent seems like a person i knew SOOOO long ago, but it's only been 2 years.
you can always complain to me about math... i'll understand
i won't understand if you complain cause i don't understand math. thank god i never have to do that shit again, if anything was going to push me over the deep end it would have to be math.
blog hiearchy comes in wave, like mini-generations and then the "kings" that just don't quit. and it's quiet in blogland cause of SCHOOL. I think, just a theory.
people listen to coldplay?
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