art is cheap, photography is cheaper
i can't for the love of god convince this dude that photography can be art. notice my keyword "CAN". jesu christ i give up.
i just wasted like... 2 hours of my valuable homework time. haha.
Jen // Fenny says:
im trying to organize my thots. no one takes pictures with a MEANING in their heads beforehand. its not about meaning... more like what you see and feel and capturing it so that it becomes implied. thats not meaning, is it? its not so grandiose. its what looks artistic. its artistic because it works, and thats hard to come by. its unique. it may be ordinary, but it has something special to give.
Jen // Fenny says:
its noticing something and recording it. its observing and saying something subtly
Jen // Fenny says:
its not preaching. well unless its a photo out of an AIDS in africa pamphlet or something. but art photography to me at least is first of all what LOOKS interesting and intruguing, then pondering about what the photographer was thinking, why they took the picture the way they did
Jen // Fenny says:
pictures can be taken for all sorts of stuf but photo as an art form is like... observing then expressing. not everyone notice the same things the same way, and rarely are what these people notice intruiging or unique pov
1 comment:
i think he just wanted to spend time with you.
talk about the art of manipulation :)
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