oh man. i did not do any work tonite. i had a dozen naps maybe, at five minutes each. i feel disoriented. i should have written 700, 800 words for writing but i completely dozed off on the couch.
in other news, i got the Great Gatsby from the library and i have 40 pages left to go, :O, gasp. i cant wait to finish it.
i haven't laughed belly laughs, ie. those laughs that are so intense they make your stomach hurt, ever since i got back from italy. GAH. i am unhappy. i laughed over the randomest funniest shit with xiao in italy, sometimes neither of us could speak after our hysterical laughing fits because we were EXHAUSTED after so much rotfl-ing.
i overheard juicy gossip about 'who got into what universities' today and it was eyerolling-inducing.
OH MAN! the funniest thing happened in chemistry class today. i sit in front of ian in that class. sure he usually makes ianish noises and says comments to himself, but today he was freakin' PSYCHO! he sang "frere jacques" to himself (holycrap) then made the weirdest possible ianish comments and ... noises. aiden and i were literally silently laughing at him the entire time. SO. AMUSING.
ian: oooo whats the answer well of course you take the concentration and plug it in to the ka equation but what is this did i get the right answer omg i did of course i did frere jacques frere jacques ding dong ding dong
me: wow ian... you have the most animated talks to yourself.
aiden: *dies laughing*
emily spazzed because ian kept humming tunes. HAHAHAHA poor em.
holy mother im tired. my stupid computer is still fucked and it's starting to bother me. but let me SHUT my MOUTH FOR ONCE my LIFE, quote my sister. haha.
I LOVE!!!! Great Gatsby!
I HATE!!!! Great Gatsby!
tell me juicy gossip i demand it.
love lara d
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