just watched Groundhog Day in its entireity for the first time. God, what an awesome movie. can i marry bill murray please? it doesn't matter that he's about fifty years older than me... WHY IS HE SO GOSHDARN AWESOME.
after school today i took a shatload of pictures of dara, but i cannot upload them until my computer is fixed. Hmm. some of the photos i really like, but today was a grey rainy day, and the results are less than ideal. i wish there had been sun.
my sister was sleeping on my bed and i told her "get thee to thy own bed". HAHAHA i scare myself.
shit man. $16,000 is a lotta money. i want to take it.
i'm trying not to over-worry for the last 2 months of this stupid thing called high school.
groundhogs day is iconic and i also love bill murray. scrooged was another great one. i LOVE that pinwheel/ferris wheel pic did you take it.
no it's from www.chromasia.com
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