today was a lovely sunny day. completely ruined by half the universe's general grumpiness. in history we continued watching "letters from vietnam" which again made me hella depressed. the movie has damn some good one-liners and quotes though. according to vietnamese prostitutes, "baby son" means a young virgin soldier. hahaha.
"for these soldiers, war is a bore, except for the moments of sheer terror, when men die."
ANYWAY. what a terrible day at school. i was all happy go lucky this morning (i slept in) but when i got to school, my good mood was mangled.
"good mood" is a hink pink.
had a series of deep talks with ester today, who in her general grumpiness told me about shiz that was bothering her. haha. hearing her story makes me wonder, WHEN WILL PEOPLE EVER STOP BEING SELFISH, INCONSIDERATE BOOBS?
developed a thousand pictures from London Drugs. there's bound to be at least seven pictures that my photo teacher won't be contemptuous of. barf. what is art. i can't believe i am trying to please my goddamn teacher on what looks artistic and not.
tried to talk to people today but failed miserably because they didn't care about me enough. oh well duders. if they want to be assholes, that is fine with me.
listened to bikini kill and sleater-kinney today. i am in a riot grrrl phase. also some guns n roses, MAN i have NOT listened to them for a while.
i have a "job", but no one cares. elliott smith says, everybody cares, everybody understands.
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